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Fortune Global Forum 2024

Fortune Global Forum 2024

November 2024

Colin Cowie Lifestyleは、Empire Entertainmentと提携し、ニューヨークのJazz at Lincoln Centerで開催された2024年Fortune Global Forumにおいて、革新的で没入感のある体験を創出しました。本フォーラムは、世界のCEOがAIや気候変動、地政学的リスクなどの新たな課題と機会について議論する重要な場となりました。

従来のカンファレンス形式を一新し、Colin Cowie Lifestyleは、ラグジュアリー、エンターテインメント、ビジネスを融合させたこれまでにないイベントを構想。ラグジュアリーなチェックイン体験、BREAKFAST Studioによるインタラクティブなアートインスタレーション、AFEELA電気自動車やWuliangye白酒バーのスポンサーアクティベーションなど、印象的な要素が多数登場しました。

初日のクライマックスは華やかなガラディナー。Dom Pérignonでの歓迎、ライブオイスターバーやキャビア、エアリアリストや大道芸人、マジシャンによるパフォーマンスなど、贅沢な演出が繰り広げられました。フォーチュン編集長のAlyson Shontell氏のスピーチや、CEOのAnastasia Nyrkovskaya氏による乾杯の挨拶、「Music Through the Ages」と題した音楽の歴史をたどるライブパフォーマンスも大きなハイライトとなりました。

Empire Entertainmentは、このビジョンの実現において重要な役割を果たし、プロジェクトマネジメント、テクニカルプロダクション、ステージマネジメント、ロジスティクスのコーディネーションにおいて専門性を発揮しました。Empireは、クライアントやスポンサー、ゲストに強い印象を残す、高インパクトで没入感のあるイベントを創出し続けています。

Colin Cowie Lifestyleは、Empire Entertainmentと提携し、ニューヨークのJazz at Lincoln Centerで開催された2024年Fortune Global Forumにおいて、革新的で没入感のある体験を創出しました。本フォーラムは、世界のCEOがAIや気候変動、地政学的リスクなどの新たな課題と機会について議論する重要な場となりました。

従来のカンファレンス形式を一新し、Colin Cowie Lifestyleは、ラグジュアリー、エンターテインメント、ビジネスを融合させたこれまでにないイベントを構想。ラグジュアリーなチェックイン体験、BREAKFAST Studioによるインタラクティブなアートインスタレーション、AFEELA電気自動車やWuliangye白酒バーのスポンサーアクティベーションなど、印象的な要素が多数登場しました。

初日のクライマックスは華やかなガラディナー。Dom Pérignonでの歓迎、ライブオイスターバーやキャビア、エアリアリストや大道芸人、マジシャンによるパフォーマンスなど、贅沢な演出が繰り広げられました。フォーチュン編集長のAlyson Shontell氏のスピーチや、CEOのAnastasia Nyrkovskaya氏による乾杯の挨拶、「Music Through the Ages」と題した音楽の歴史をたどるライブパフォーマンスも大きなハイライトとなりました。

Empire Entertainmentは、このビジョンの実現において重要な役割を果たし、プロジェクトマネジメント、テクニカルプロダクション、ステージマネジメント、ロジスティクスのコーディネーションにおいて専門性を発揮しました。Empireは、クライアントやスポンサー、ゲストに強い印象を残す、高インパクトで没入感のあるイベントを創出し続けています。

A-Trak Headlines at Salon Hannam’s VIP Opening Party in Seoul

A-Trak Headlines at Salon Hannam’s VIP Opening Party in Seoul


September 2024


Empireは、韓国ソウルで開催された「Salon Hannam 2024」のVIPオープニングパーティーにおいて、A-TrakをヘッドラインDJとしてブッキングおよびマネジメントする機会を得ました。「Salon Hannam 2024」は、Frieze Seoulウィーク中にデビューするLIFEPLUSによる特別なアート展プロジェクトです。オープニングパーティーと展示会は、Hanwha General Insurance Companyの新しく取得されたビルで開催されました。

この展示会では、Fabrice Gygi、Oscar Tuazon、Kevin Beasley、Seth Price、Devon Turnbull、David Hertt、Harold Mendez、Rim Park、Giopato & Coombesを含む多様なアーティストの作品が紹介されました。世界中からキュレーターやギャラリーも出席し、国際的なアートシーンにおいて重要な瞬間となりました。

Empireは、Salon Hannamのオープニングにおいて、トップクラスの才能を確保し、マネジメントすることで、その文化的およびグローバルな意義に貢献できたことを誇りに思います。私たちの取り組みを通じて、LIFEPLUSのビジョンを具現化し、Frieze Seoulが祝う現代アートとグローバルなクリエイティビティを一層引き立てることができました。

Suntory Japanese Craft Gin’s ROKU: Experience the Season

Suntory Japanese Craft Gin’s ROKU: Experience the Season


April 2024


サントリーは、日本のクラフトジンブランド「ROKU〈六〉」のために、「Experience the Season - Six Seasons in One Sip」という没入型イベントを、東京の新たにオープンした麻布台ヒルズで開催しました。Empireは、この画期的な「ROKU〈六〉」の体験を創り上げるために、サントリーからの信頼をいただき、大変光栄に感じております。



The Eurasia Group Zero Summit

The Eurasia Group Zero Summit


December 2023

Eurasia Group






Empire Japan Introduces SOHO Live

Empire Japan Introduces SOHO Live


October 2023


Empire Entertainment Japanは、新たなプロジェクト「SOHO Live」を発表しました。この革新的なライブミュージックカンパニーは、愛されているメディアフランチャイズからインスピレーションを得た忘れられないコンサートを創り出すことを専門としています。

SOHO Liveは、象徴的なIPを保有する企業との協力を通じて、それぞれのIPの核心的な価値観に共鳴するライブ体験をキュレーションし、ファンが大切にしているフランチャイズに没入できる前例のない機会を提供します。

2023年10月10日、SOHO Liveは初のオリジナルプロダクション「Stardew Valley: Festival of Seasons」を発表しました。これは、全世界で2,000万本を超える売上を誇り、Steamチャートでも上位に位置する大人気ビデオゲーム『Stardew Valley』の公式ライブコンサートです。公式コンサートのトレーラーはこちらでご覧いただけます。

SOHO Liveは2024年に初のツアーを開始し、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア、オーストラリアを巡る19公演でゲームのサウンドトラックを披露します。SOHO Liveの初のオリジナルプロダクションの全19公演は、わずか数分で完売しました。この驚異的な需要と成功を受け、近いうちに追加の公演と都市を発表する予定です。

2024年のSOHO Liveの今後の公演には、東京でのソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグの公式コンサートや、ローマでのファイナルファンタジー公式コンサートが含まれています。

SOHO Liveは、Empire Entertainment Japanと、広告業界での豊富な経験を持ち、ゲームと音楽の世界に情熱を注ぐ東京拠点のエンターテインメント専門家Gaetano Fazioとの共同プロジェクトです。

世界で最も魅力的なブランドやフランチャイズの魅力を引き出し、比類のない体験を提供し続けるために、EmpireはSOHO Liveをファミリーの一員として迎えることを大変嬉しく思っています。

The Macallan Double Cask "The Path to the Incomparable"

The Macallan Double Cask "The Path to the Incomparable"


April 2023



オープニングパーティではMIYAVIが「ザ・マッカラン ダブルカスク」にインスパイアされたスペシャルパフォーマンス披露。二日目以降も多くのアーティストによるステージエンターテイメントを実施。連日長蛇の列が生まれるなど、ウイスキーファンのみならず多くの人々の注目を集めた。

Bulgari Aurora Awards Tokyo

Bulgari Aurora Awards Tokyo


December 2022


BVLGARI JAPANは、2022年12月7日に東京の新しい有明アリーナ(2020年東京オリンピック・パラリンピックのために建設)で、「BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS 2022 ゴールデンカーペットとアワードセレモニー」を開催しました。このアワードは6回目を迎え、Empireは初回からBVLGARI AVRORA AWARDSのプロデュースを担当し、BVLGARIのビジョンを実現する一端を担えていることを誇りに思います。

BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDSは、類まれな創造性、知性、才能を持つ女性たちの業績や活動にスポットライトを当て、彼女たちの生き方を称え、賞を授与するものです。この祝賀イベントの形式は、中国、ヨーロッパ、韓国など、世界中で成功裏に再現されてきました。




evian & Balmain Collaboration Launch

evian & Balmain Collaboration Launch


November 2022



このコラボレーションを記念して、11月24日から26日まで、東京のCÉ LA VIで「Dream our future together」と題した3日間のイベントが開催されました。


ローンチパーティーでは、メディア関係者や30人以上のインフルエンサーが招かれ、限定ボトルで作られた「Tree of Dreams」の展示やフォトブース、evianウォーターを使用した特別なドリンクが提供されました。全員がイベントのテーマに合わせて白を基調とした服装で参加し、ツリーのライトアップセレモニーでホリデーシーズンの幕開けを祝いました。evianの経営陣からの感謝の言葉に続き、参加者はevianボトルの願い事カードに夢を書き加え、祝祭の雰囲気を一層高めました。

その後の2日間、CÉ LA VI Tokyoでは引き続き「Tree of Dreams」と願い事カードが展示され、来場者は特別なドリンクを楽しみながら、フランスを代表する2つのブランドの革新的なコラボレーションを体験しました。


Eurasia Group GZERO Summit Japan 2022

Eurasia Group GZERO Summit Japan 2022


September 2022

Eurasia Group



Red Bull’s The Blue Edition Launch

Red Bull’s The Blue Edition Launch


August 2022


2022年7月17日、Empire Entertainment JapanはRED BULLの新製品THE BLUE EDITIONのローンチイベントをプロデュース。都会の真ん中にあるクラブに、砂浜をつくりアニメーションで波・花火を投影。RED BULLらしい、アメージングな空間づくりを行い、400人近い参加者がTHE BLUE EDITIONとともに「青の世界」を楽しました。

Roger Dubuis & Sorayama Collaboration

Roger Dubuis & Sorayama Collaboration


July 2022







The Bulgari Aurora Awards

The Bulgari Aurora Awards


December 2021


Empireは、2021年に東京の舞浜アンフィシアターで開催された「BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS 2021」のプロデュースに再び携わることができ、大変光栄でした。この華やかなアワードは、2016年に始まったブルガリの年間授賞式で、今回も盛大に開催されました。





OMEGA "Tokyo 2020 Timepieces" Campaign

OMEGA "Tokyo 2020 Timepieces" Campaign


July 2021



日本各地を巡り、象徴的な日本の風景を取り入れながら、限定版「オリンピック コレクション シーマスター ダイバー 300M 東京2020」など、3つの時計が紹介されました。この42mmのステンレススチール製時計は、ブルーのセラミック製ベゼルリングと、白いエナメルのダイビングスケールが特徴です。




Netflix EDEN Global Release Special Event

Netflix EDEN Global Release Special Event


May 2021




このトークショーはグリーンバックのスタジオで撮影され、複数のモーショントラッキングカメラをそれぞれ専用のUnreal Engineサーバーに割り当て、EDEN世界とアニメキャラクターのリアルタイムにレンダリングし登壇者との合成を行った。


KANSAI YAMAMOTO Collection 2021

KANSAI YAMAMOTO Collection 2021


March 2021


2021年3月15日、渋谷ファッションウィークの期間中、日本を代表するファッションデザイナーである「KANSAI YAMAMOTO」は、Empireのサポートを受けて、東京の象徴である渋谷スクランブル交差点で世界初のランウェイショーを開催しました。

革新的で最近他界したファッションデザイナー、山本寛斎の長年の弟子である高谷Quenta率いるクリエイティブチームが、このコレクションの中心的役割を果たしました。ショーでは、「KANSAI YAMAMOTO」コレクションのアーカイブ作品に加え、新作コレクション「TOMORROW」も披露されました。この新コレクションは、渋谷のエッセンスと岡本太郎の代表作である原爆の悲劇を描いた壁画《明日の神話》を組み合わせ、人間の強さと誇りの驚異的なエネルギーを表現しました。

「今年の3月で東日本大震災から10年、昨年からのCOVIDパンデミックからの日常回復、そして寛斎の死後の新たな旅が始まります。渋谷を行き交う人々のイメージを服作りに込め、私たちは明日への希望を多くのレベルで表現しました。」- 高谷Quenta


Empireは、この素晴らしいランウェイショーの制作をサポートできたことを光栄に思い、「KANSAI YAMAMOTO」との長年にわたる関係を続けながら、ファッションとエンターテインメントの境界を押し広げる挑戦に貢献しました。

ショーはこちらからご覧ください: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv7o22Sk8bk

CES 2021 Panasonic in Tokyo

CES 2021 Panasonic in Tokyo


January 2021


毎年ラスベガスコンベンションセンターで開催される世界最大のテクノロジーイベントCESが、完全デジタル開催で米国時間1月11日14日までの4日間に渡り開催された。「パナソニック」は専用サイトを開設し、グローバルに商品やサービスを発信。さらに独自企画として日本市場向けのオンラインイベント『CES 2021 Panasonic in Tokyo』を開催し、新規事業として開発しているパナソニックグループの製品やサービスを紹介する特設サイト上でオンラインセミナーを実施。興味のある担当者と1対1でのオンラインミーティングの場を提供するなど、新しいイノベーションへのUXを展開。


CES2021 Panasonic in Tokyo:

CES 2021 Panasonic in Tokyoのみどころ紹介テイザー映像:


Balmuda 'the Cleaner' Product Launch Event

Balmuda 'the Cleaner' Product Launch Event


October 2020


"バルミューダは、まったく新しい掃除体験を提供するホバー式クリーナー「BALMUDA The Cleaner(バルミューダ・ザ・クリーナー)」の製品発表会を10月15日に開催。

製品発表会はKASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMAで行われ、メディアに向けた製品発表とBALMUDA The Cleanerの究極のかけ心地が体験できる製品体験を実施。


バルミューダ株式会社 公式サイト: https://www.balmuda.com/jp/

The Ritz-Carlton Japan Video Project

The Ritz-Carlton Japan Video Project


August 2020







Forbes JAPAN x Salesforce

Forbes JAPAN x Salesforce


August 2020


Forbes JAPAN はオンライントークセッション“DX(デジタルトランスフォーメーション)によって、地域エコノミーから「変革」が始まる”を株式会社セールスフォース・ドットコムの協賛でForbes JAPAN YouTube チャンネル(登録者限定公開)で開催しました。

新型コロナウィルスが地方に与えた影響、そして浮き彫りにした課題について、福井県の地銀福井銀行林頭取と福井発のチャレンジングな企業日華化学の江守代表取締役社長をゲストに迎え Forbes JAPAN藤吉編集長との3者でのトークセッションを実施しました。




Longchamp Japan

Longchamp Japan


August 2020


"Longchamp Japanは8月21日から8月31日までの11日間、表参道ヒルズにてMY PLIAGE® SIGNATUREの期間限定ポップアップイベントを開催。

環境に配慮したキャンバス素材の新作バッグ「MY PLIAGE® SIGNATURE」は、アイコンバッグ「ルプリアージュ®」のパーソナライゼーションに特化したラインとして4月に新登場。全720万通りのカラーパターンからバッグのカスタムができる完全オリジナルのパーソナライゼーションバッグです。アルファベットや数字を組み合わせてイニシャルや誕生日、ラッキーナンバーをバッグへプリントできる。


フランスのアトリエをイメージした会場内にて、世界観を体験できるコンテンツを多数用意し、その一つであるVOGUE GIRLで連載中の「しいたけ占い」とのコラボレーションで生まれたラッキーカラー診断コーナーでは顔認証機能や複数のキーワードからお客様のイメージカラーを診断、オリジナルバッグへのインスピレーションへと導き、フォトコールでは人気イラストレーターfoxcoさんによる、オリジナルウォールアートが来場者を賑わせた。


MY PLIAGE® SIGNATURE:  https://www.longchamp.com/jp/ja/mypliage

公式オンラインストア:  https://www.longchamp.com/jp/ja

The Japan Society Annual Dinner Reimagined

The Japan Society Annual Dinner Reimagined

Virtual Event

June 2020



Empire エンターテイメント ニューヨークとジャパンはジャパンソサエティからの依頼を受け、今回のバーチャルガラディナーのプランニングおよび制作を担当しました。Empireのプロデューサー、クリエイティブ、ビデオエディター、テクニカルディレクターのチームは、日米の時差、言語の問題をスムーズにクリアしながら、イベントのナラティブ戦略、コンテンツ開発、進行管理、台本制作、グラフィックデザインとアニメーション製作、ホストコーチング、リハーサル、事前録音セッションと事前録音パッケージ制作、テクニカル制作、ライブストリーム放送等でジャパンソサエティをサポートしました。



Virtual Solve at MIT

Virtual Solve at MIT

Virtual Event

May 2020


MIT Solveの旗艦会議「Solve at MIT」は、2020年5月12日にバーチャルで開催されました。約800人のSolveコミュニティメンバーがバーチャルプラットフォーム「Hopin」に集まり、テクノロジーベースのソリューションを用いてグローバルな課題に取り組むために交流しました。過去3年間で、Solveとそのパートナーは、ソーシャル・アントレプレナーのために2,500万ドル以上の資金を仲介してきました。2020年のバーチャルイベント「Solve at MIT」では、2020年のSolverチームに向けた170万ドルの賞金が発表されました。





Shibuya Ghost in the Shell Night by au 5G

Shibuya Ghost in the Shell Night by au 5G

Virtual Shibuya

May 2020


Empire Entertainmentは、5月19日にローンチされた、渋谷区公認の配信プラットフォーム「バーチャル渋谷」を舞台にしたオンラインイベント、「#渋谷攻殻NIGHT by au 5G」を共同プロデュース。SEKAI NO OWARI “DJ LOVE”、バーチャルライバーアンジュ・カトリーナ、渋谷未来デザインフューチャーデザイナー若槻千夏、S/U/P/E/R(スーパー) DOMMUNE(ドミューン) 代表宇川直宏という「攻殻機動隊」を愛する異色のメンバーがアバターとして登場。渋谷の街を攻殻機動隊の世界にトランジションさせたり、スクランブル交差点や109をファンと自由に歩きまわったりと、リアルでは実現不可能な内容で、合計5万人に及ぶユーザーを巻き込んでバーチャル空間の渋谷を大いに盛り上げた。


Empire Delivers a 360° Virtual Gallery

Empire Delivers a 360° Virtual Gallery


April 2020


Empireが最近発表した「Virtual Gallery」は、革新的なプラットフォームへと進化を遂げました。このハイテクなコラボレーションは、Empire Artistsと拡張現実(AR)アプリ「PictPop」の共同作業によるものです。イラストレーターの竹井千佳とアーティストの柏原晋平が参加し、それぞれの独自のスタイルを祝う作品が、感覚を超えた思考を促します。

Empireがプロデュースした「Virtual Platform 360°」は、まるで実際のギャラリーを歩いているかのようにオンラインでアートを鑑賞でき、その場で作品を購入できるeコマースリンクも用意されています。

「Virtual Platform 360°」は、製品発表会やバーチャルセミナーなど、あらゆるイベントに対応できる多用途プラットフォームです。ギャラリーはこちらからご覧ください:https://empirearts.in3sixty.com/




December 2019


2019年12月、第4回ブルガリ アウローラ アワード授賞式が舞浜アンフィシアターにて盛大に開催。満席の会場にはドレスアップをした多くの著名人、メディアが駆けつけました。2016年に始まったこのアワードは、推薦者によって受賞者が選ばれるというユニークなペアリング構成が特徴、素晴らし活動をしている輝く女性にスポットライトを当てる、ブルガリを代表するプロジェクトです。一年を通して10組のペアリングが発表され、受賞のストーリーは、ウェブや誌面で広く紹介、年末に行われる授賞セレモニーで改めて称賛が贈られます。2019年は、女優の小雪さん、オリンピック金メダリスト高橋尚子さん、歌手の平原綾香さんなど様々な分野からそうそうたるメンバーが登場、迫力のパフォーマンスも繰り広げられ、華やかな一夜となりました。



Eurasia Group GZERO Summit Japan 2019

Eurasia Group GZERO Summit Japan 2019


November 2019


Empire Japanは、再びユーラシアグループと協力し、日本で最も権威ある地政学イベントをプロデュースする機会を得ました。昨年のイベントに引き続き、幅広い世界的なトピックが取り上げられ、特別ゲストとして、日本の外務大臣である茂木敏充氏、経済産業大臣の梶山弘志氏、経済再生担当大臣・社会保障改革担当大臣・TPP担当大臣である西村康稔氏が参加しました。また、東京都知事の小池百合子氏が、翌年のオリンピックに向けた東京の現状について話し合うファイヤーサイドチャットに登壇しました。

Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2019

Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2019


October 2019


In the seventh year in a row, Empire's Tokyo office had the opportunity to produce the leading Japanese IT event for Salesforce Japan. Salesforce.com this year hosted over 13,000 attendees for a two full days of sessions, expos and events taking place at both the Prince Park Tower and Tokyo Prince Hotel. This exciting event once again gathered the leaders in the IT industry from around Japan to Tokyo where the latest in software, technology and ideas were showcased.

This year’s keynote speakers included Parker Harris (Co-Founder & CTO Salesforce) and Shinichi Koide (Chairman, President & CEO Salesforce Japan) along with many illustrious speakers from in and outside of Japan.

This year’s exhibition hall also enjoyed a similar amount of energy as last year with 86 sponsors in total. The Tokyo Prince Hotel, located next to the Prince Park Tower, showcased the Trailblazer Zone, which had large rebranded elements throughout the various zones and served as the main hub for developer experts.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division was responsible for all event design, production and management, including technical production and coordination and continues to support Salesforce in showcasing the latest in technology and cloud services. Empire is a leading producer of global conferences and events in the Asian region and serves as the partner of choice for some of the world’s most sophisticated technology companies to produce their premier business events.

adidas Original at Atmos Con Vol. 7

adidas Original at Atmos Con Vol. 7


October 2019


アディダスジャパン株式会社とニュージーランドラグビー協会は、ラグビー・ニュージーランド代表「ALL BLACKS(オールブラックス)」をテーマとしたアートプロジェクト「#CreatorsUnite」を2019年9月14日(土)より開始しました。

木梨憲武(きなしのりたけ)氏に加え、イラスト・書道・グラフィティ・モダンアートなど様々な分野で活躍する幅広い17名のクリエイターたちが集結し「ALL BLACKS」をテーマにビジュアルを制作。各作品は、2019年9月14日よりオンラインで公開されると共に、9月15日よりアディダスブランドコアストア渋谷にて開催された「#CreatorsUnite ART EXHIBITION(クリエイターズユナイトアートエキシビジョン)」にて展示されました。


ONE Martial Arts Fan Fest

ONE Martial Arts Fan Fest


October 2019


MIT Solveの旗艦会議「Solve at MIT」は、2020年5月12日にバーチャルで開催されました。約800人のSolveコミュニティメンバーがバーチャルプラットフォーム「Hopin」に集まり、テクノロジーベースのソリューションを用いてグローバルな課題に取り組むために交流しました。過去3年間で、Solveとそのパートナーは、ソーシャル・アントレプレナーのために2,500万ドル以上の資金を仲介してきました。2020年のバーチャルイベント「Solve at MIT」では、2020年のSolverチームに向けた170万ドルの賞金が発表されました。





adidas Japan ALL BLACKS #CreatorsUnite Art Exhibition

adidas Japan ALL BLACKS #CreatorsUnite Art Exhibition


September 2019


#CreatorUnite を発端に、「スポーツの力を統一する」ため、アディダスジャパン、ニュージーランドラグビー協会、そしてEmpire Entertainmentは「CreatorsUniteアート展」を開催しました。

テーマは「ALL BLACKS」(ニュージーランド男子ラグビーチーム)。日本の有名なアーティストである木梨憲武を含む、モダンアート、イラストレーション、書道、グラフィティなど様々な分野の日本人クリエイター17名が、アスリートとクリエイターを結びつけるアート作品を制作しました。

各アート作品は9月14日からオンラインで公開され、9月15日から27日まで、渋谷にあるアディダスブランド コアストアに展示されました。

Empire Entertainmentは、展示会の企画と運営、メディアキックオフおよびファンイベントの管理を担当し、アディダスジャパンとのまた一つの成功を実現しました。

Red Bull: Playing it Old School

Red Bull: Playing it Old School


June 2019


レッドブル・ジャパンは最近、若年層をターゲットにした日本の技術についてのテレビドキュメンタリーを制作しようとしていました。テーマは、「Technics SL1200ターンテーブルのような日本の製品がどのようにヒップホップの誕生に貢献したのか、そしてSonyのWalkmanが『パーソナルバブル現象』をどのように引き起こしたのか」というものでした。

Empireの映画プロデューサー兼ディレクターであるブルース・ナクバーは、東京を拠点とするクリエイティブエージェンシー「Strategy SET」と協力し、これらの技術によって引き起こされた文化的激変や、音楽の創造と消費がどのように永遠に変わったかを伝える映画を制作・監督しました。




Giorgio Armani Cruise Collection Fashion Show

Giorgio Armani Cruise Collection Fashion Show


May 2019



Empireは、上海に拠点を置く国際的なプロダクションハウス「id creations」のサポートを依頼され、Instagramでのイベントのライブストリーム制作を担当しました。Instagramでは数千人のフォロワーがショーをリアルタイムで視聴し、IGTVではイベント後に2万人以上が視聴しました。

adidas 4D at Atmos Con

adidas 4D at Atmos Con


March 2019


​アディダスジャパンは、日本最大級のスニーカーコンベンション「Atmos Con」で存在感を示すためにと、Empire Entertainment Japanに完璧なブース体験のデザインと実施を依頼しました。

渋谷ヒカリエホールで開催されたAtmos Conには、ナイキスポーツウェア、アシックス、マンハッタンポーテージ、フィラ、プーマ、リーボッククラシックなど、世界で最も人気のあるスニーカーが集結し、何千人ものスニーカーヘッズが訪れるマルチブランドのリテールイベントとなりました。

アディダスの最も魅力的でエキサイティングな製品の一つ「4D」を用いたインスタレーションは、LEDガラスパーティションで区切られた3つのセクションで構成されていました。この3つのセクションには、最新のZX4000 4D、Alphahedge 4D、そして過去にリリースされた4Dモデルが展示されました。

Empire Entertainment Japanは、すべてのプロダクションを担当し、アディダスジャパンとのもう一つの成功を収めたイベントをプロデュースしました。

ONE Championship Conference & Gala Dinner

ONE Championship Conference & Gala Dinner


March 2019


アジア最大のグローバルスポーツメディアプロパティとして知られるONE Championshipは、Empireの協力のもと、「Nielsen Presents: A New Era of Sports in Japan」カンファレンスを東京で開催しました。







March 2019


バルミューダは、まったく新しい掃除体験を提供するホバー式クリーナー「BALMUDA The Cleaner(バルミューダ・ザ・クリーナー)」の製品発表会を10月15日に開催。

製品発表会はKASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMAで行われ、メディアに向けた製品発表とBALMUDA The Cleanerの究極のかけ心地が体験できる製品体験を実施。


バルミューダ株式会社 公式サイト: https://www.balmuda.com/jp/

MAC Spring Influencer Trip 2019

MAC Spring Influencer Trip 2019


February 2019


MACは新製品ラインの発表を記念して、Empire Entertainment Japanの協力のもと、東京で2日間の春コレクションプレビューイベントを開催しました。


テラダウェアハウスCase Bで行われたこのイベントでは、インフルエンサーたちは4つの異なる扉があるカラフルなロビーに足を踏み入れました。各部屋は、新製品を紹介するユニークな空間で、アートライブラリールーム、ミラーサクラルーム、アウタースペースルーム、クラウドルームと、それぞれが異なる世界へインフルエンサーたちを誘いました。メイクアップデモンストレーション、リップワークショップ、ドリンク、特別にデザインされたお菓子も用意され、ゲストたちは新しいMAC製品ラインを体験し学ぶ絶好の機会を得ました。

一部のインフルエンサーは、YouTube Space Tokyoに招待され、彼ら自身のYouTubeチャンネル向けに特別なメイクアップ動画を制作する機会もありました。


Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2018

Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2018


December 2018


Empireは、6年連続でSalesforce Japanが主催する日本を代表するITイベントのプロデュースを担当しました。


今年の基調講演者には、Salesforce共同創設者兼CTOのパーカー・ハリス氏、Salesforce Japan会長・社長兼CEOの小出伸一氏をはじめ、さまざまな企業からの著名なスピーカーが登壇しました。


Empire Japanを拠点とするアジア部門は、イベントデザイン、プロダクション、管理全般を担当し、技術的な制作およびコーディネーションも含めて、Salesforceの最新技術やクラウドサービスを紹介するサポートを続けています。

Forbes JAPAN CEO Conference 2018

Forbes JAPAN CEO Conference 2018


November 2018


Empireは、Forbes Japanが今年の日本のトップCEOを表彰するイベントのデザインと企画運営を依頼されました。

美しいパレスホテル東京で開催されたこのイベントには、日本各地から約300人のCEOが集まりました。アワードセレモニーのテーマ「Best Visionary Story 2018」には、若手企業経営者や起業家、投資家、そして次世代の日本経済をけん引するリーダーたちが参加しました。



Empire Entertainmentは、世界中で名高いアワードセレモニーのプロデューサーとして知られています。

adidas AM4108

adidas AM4108


October 2018


10月8日、アディダスジャパンは、東京を拠点とする有名なストリートウェアとスニーカーブティック「アトモス」と共同でデザインされた新しいフットウェアライン「AM4108」を発表しました。このフットウェアは、アディダスのSPEEDFACTORYで製造され、渋谷ヒカリエホールで開催されたATMOS主催のイベント「ATMOS CON」で発表されました。Empireは、このブースとカスタマー体験をデザインし、ロボットアームで撮影されるユニークなショートビデオや、9月に開催されたSPEEDFACTORY関連の別イベントでも提供されたトートバッグのカスタマイズサービスを提供しました。

BAZAAR ICONS 2018 in Tokyo

BAZAAR ICONS 2018 in Tokyo


October 2018

Harper's Bazaar
ハーパーズ バザー

ニューヨークで開催されたHarper’s BAZAARのAリスト「BAZAAR ICONS」イベントの成功に続き、東京でもEmpire Entertainment Japanの協力のもと、その祝典が開催されました。


BAZAAR ICONSは、見物人とフラッシュをたくパパラッチに見守られながらのVIPの豪華な入場で幕を開け、ブルガリトンネルでのビデオ撮影が行われた後、メインルームに移動し、ゲストたちはシャンパンを楽しみながら、日本を代表するギタリストのCharによるスペシャルパフォーマンスでダンスを楽しみました。

出席したセレブリティやVIPゲストには、カリーヌ・ロワトフェルド、テオドラ・リチャーズ、アレクサンドラ・リチャーズ、森星、山田優、冨永愛、ベッキー、MAKIDAI、ELLI-ROSE、エリイ(Chim↑Pom)、Licaxxx、畠山千明、永井美樹、ジュリア・アベ、邦木彩良、大屋夏南、Char、石村友見、エミ・マイヤー、イルカ、ATSUSHI(Dragon Ash)、アン・ミカ、山本寛斎、阿部桃子、CHIHARU、MIKI EHARA、万波ユカ、新井貴子、福島リラ、橋爪愛、福士リナなどが名を連ねました。

Empireは、世界中で注目を集めるイベントのプロデュースにおいて、その専門性を再び証明し、BAZAAR ICONSイベントの成功を誇りに思います




The Eurasia Group GZERO Summit in Tokyo

The Eurasia Group GZERO Summit in Tokyo


October 2018







Uber Elevate Asia Pacific Expo

Uber Elevate Asia Pacific Expo


August 2018


UBERは8月30日に開催された「Uber Elevate Asia Pacific Expo」で、日本が2023年に導入予定のエキサイティングな新しい都市交通システム「空飛ぶタクシー」の候補市場の1つであることを発表しました。2023年までに、UBERは空飛ぶ車のオンデマンドプラットフォームをテストする予定です。

Empire Entertainment Japanは、Uberのインハウスクリエイティブチームと連携し、2日間にわたるサミットとエキスポをプロデュースできたことを誇りに思います。このイベントには、日本国内外の政策決定者、ビジネスパートナー、アジア太平洋地域のメディアが参加し、エキサイティングな計画が発表されました。

イベントは、UBERのCOOであるバーニー・ハーフォードと、東京都知事の小池百合子の参加でスタート。小池は、空を飛ぶ車が現実になることに対する期待感を表明しました。その後、Uber Elevateチームによるプレゼンテーションが続きました。エキスポでは、最新のアイデアや製品を展示した様々な展示も行われ、その中には、Jaunt社提供のVRゴーグルを使用した仮想空飛ぶタクシーシミュレーターも含まれていました。


Hanami by Namacha

Hanami by Namacha


April 2018


日本の飲料大手であるKIRINが、緑茶ブランド「生茶」の認知度と人気を高める方法を模索していた際、Empire Entertainment Japanにその実行が依頼されました。

この最初のシーズナルキャンペーンは、「お茶のいろはby Namacha」で開催され、ゲストは会場に入るとすぐに桜の海に包まれました。テーマにふさわしく、「Hanami by Namacha」がテーマとなり、桜の花の下で「生茶」を楽しむことができる体験が提供されました。



Spring of Le Brasch

Spring of Le Brasch


April 2018


1800年代後半以来、あるトップ時計メーカーは、いくつかの世界初を含む最高級時計製造の歴史において素晴らしい章を刻んできました。その豊かな伝統を継承するため、Empire Entertainment Japanが3日間にわたるイベントの全てを担当することは、自然な選択でした。




Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2017

Salesforce World Tour Tokyo 2017


October 2017


Once againEmpire's Tokyo office had the opportunity to produce the leadingJapanese IT event for the fifth year in a row. Salesforce.com continues to bring together the brightest businesses andtechnology leaders who are focused on expanding in the cloud-based and mobilecomputing realms. This exciting eventgathers leaders from around Japan to Tokyo for two full days of sessions,expos and events.

Salesforce.com this year hosted over 8,200 attendees over the course of two days atthe Prince Park Tower and Tokyo Prince Hotel in Tokyo.

This year’s keynote speakers included Keith Block (Presidentand COO Salesforce), Shinichi Koide (Chairman, President & CEO SalesforceJapan), Akito Mizuno (President Mizuno Corporation), Tsutomu Isobe (President AmadaHoldings Co. Ltd.), Haruki Mukai (Cabinet Secretariat Councilor), with a specialperformance by Japan’s famous singer Crystal Kay. This year the Fortune CEOSeries was held to highlight experts from various fields, bringing manyexciting speakers to the stage. The Fortune CEO Trailblazer Panel kicked offthe first day’s activities, followed by a keynote in the afternoon with aFortune CEO Fireside Chat.

This year’s exhibition hall also highlighted the growth ofSalesforce with an increase to over 80 companies, significantly more than lastyear. The Tokyo Prince Hotel, locatednext to the Prince Park Tower, was rebranded the Trailblazer Zone and was the mainhub for developer experts and a wide range of technology sessions.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division was responsible for allevent design, production and management, including technical production andcoordination.

Empire is a leading producer of global conferences andevents in the Asian region and serves as the partner of choice for some of theworld’s most sophisticated technology companies to produce their premierbusiness events.

Harper’s Bazaar ICONS by Carine Roitfeld

Harper’s Bazaar ICONS by Carine Roitfeld


October 2017


When it comes to recognizing a feat as enormous as Harper’s BAZAAR’s 150 years in the United States, one celebration simply is not enough. Early this year, Harper’s BAZAAR celebrated its 150th Anniversary, “BAZAAR ICONS BY CARINE ROITFELD”, in New York City, and to continue this celebration with the help of Empire Entertainment Japan, the 150th Anniversary celebration Tokyo Edition was held.

On October 26, held at the exceptional Joel Robuchon restaurant in Ebisu, top celebrities walked the black carpet while the Harper’s BAZAAR logo was beautifully displayed on the face of the building. Following the arrivals and to officially start the celebration was a toast by the BAZAAR ICONS organizer, the fashion world`s very own Carine Roitfeld. The highlight of the evening was a special performance from world-acclaimed musician MIYAVI.

Empire was honored to be involved in the successful planning and casting of this celebration, once again proving its expertise in producing high-profile events around the world.​

Official Photos by Tsukasa Nakagawa & Yuji Nakama

Forbes Japan CEO Conference 2017

Forbes Japan CEO Conference 2017


October 2017


日本のトップCEOたちを紹介するForbes Japanは、第3回CEOランキングを発表しました。今年の「2017 CEOカンファレンス」および受賞者の表彰式は、10月10日にパレスホテル東京で開催されました。


Empire Japanは、イベント全体の企画、制作、調整、運営を担当しました。また、トヨタリサーチインスティテュートのギル・プラット博士のインタビュー動画も制作しました。

Nippon Genki Project `SUPER ENERGY 2017`

Nippon Genki Project `SUPER ENERGY 2017`


June 2017


「SUPER ENERGY」ファッションイベントは、日本を代表するデザイナー・イベントプロデューサーである山本寛斎が、Empire Japanの協力を得て、活気あふれる六本木ヒルズアリーナで開催されました。



他のハイライトとして、アフリカンパーカッショングループ「Wagan Ndiaye Rose with Sophie Ker Gi」の力強いパフォーマンスや、八王子学園高等学校のブラスバンドとダンス部による100人のエネルギッシュな演奏がありました。この夜は、エレクトリックなステージパフォーマンス、ユニークなアクト、そして山本寛斎の声に支えられた様々なワークショップで盛り上がりました。

ファミリー向けの「SUPER ENERGY」2017年イベントには、約1万人が参加しました。


Executive Fight Night VII

Executive Fight Night VII


May 2017



5月19日、業界のリーダーたちがリフレッシュし、慈善活動のために資金を集めるための、ラスベガススタイルのボクシングイベントに16人の国際派エグゼクティブの男女がリングに上がりました。Empire Japanは、再びこの素晴らしいイベントをプロデュースできたことを誇りに思います。



Empireは再び、ファンドレイジングイベントのリーディングプロデューサーとしての実力を証明し、またしても成功を収めたExecutive Fight Nightをプロデュースできたことに喜びを感じています。

Deep Space Project 2017

Deep Space Project 2017

Nagano, Japan

April 2017


長野県阿智村、富士見台高原ロープウェイ ヘブンスそのはらで、標高1400m地点で星空を楽しめる「天空の楽園 日本一の星空ナイトツアー DEEP PROJECT」がスタートした。



2017年のツアーはEmpire Entertainment Japanが制作を担当。ビジュアルアーティスト・クリエィテブディレクターの花房伸行が、地球から出発し無限に広がる宇宙への旅をテーマとした、映像、空間演出を行う。






DEEP SPACE PROJECTは2017年4月15日から10月21日まで開催。期間中は、特別プログラムとしてenraのパフォーマンスも行う。

長野県阿智村、富士見台高原ロープウェイ ヘブンスそのはらで、

Salesforce.com's 2016 World Tour Returns to Tokyo

Salesforce.com's 2016 World Tour Returns to Tokyo


December 2016


Every year, salesforce.com brings together businesses andtechnology leaders who are focused on opportunities in cloud-based and mobilecomputing from Japan to Tokyo for two full days of sessions, expos andevents. Empire's Tokyo office recently produced the Japan edition of this leadingtechnology event for the fourth year in a row.

Salesforce.com hosted over 10,000 attendees over the courseof two days at the Prince Park Tower and Toranomon Hills Forum venues in Tokyo.Additionally, sessions were livestreamed to an audience of over 1.2million.

This year’s keynote speakers included Adam Blitzer and ChiefScientist Dr. Richard Socher, with special performances by the Yoshida Brothers(a world famous Shamisen duo). There was also a special session on day one which featuredfour time Olympic Gold Medalist Kaori Yoshid, and her Olympic coach KazuhitoSakae. The second day featured aspecial session in which Japanese major league baseball player, Norichika Aoki,was invited to talk with Shinichi Koide, Salesforce Japan’s CEO.

This year’s exhibition hall was completely redesigned andrebranded, representing a substantial evolution from the prior year and a newexperience for the audience. The Toranomon Hills Forum, the hub for developerexperts was also redesigned and rebranded as a Developer Forest.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division was responsible for allevent design, production and management, including technical production andcoordination.

Empire is a leading producer of global conferences andevents in the Asian region and serves as the partner of choice for some of theworld’s most sophisticated technology companies to produce their premier businessevents.

New Balance Store Opening Celebration

New Balance Store Opening Celebration


November 2016


To celebrate the opening of the New Balance flagship store in Harajuku, Tokyo, Empire brought vertical dance pioneer group BANDALOOP.

The perspective-changing dance company presented a graceful and dynamic performance, choreographed for an awe-inspiring activation on the exterior walls of the store. Two dancers presented various performances during the day, the first in the morning before the official opening of the doors as the immersive act stopped busy Harajuku crowds in their tracks for a social media-worthy photo. More exciting Empire-produced performances are soon to come from this boundless and innovative group.​

Forbes Start Up of the Year 2017 Award Ceremony

Forbes Start Up of the Year 2017 Award Ceremony


November 2016


Forbes Japan, one of the world's most authoritative business news authorities, celebrated entrepreneurs and Start-ups at their Annual "Japan's Startup of the Year" Award Ceremony. Empire was called upon to produce this special celebration.

Held at the beautiful Tokyo Palace Hotel, this event hosted around 300 managers, investors and entrepreneurs from 19 different companies across Japan. The Award Ceremony celebrated startups that are pushing the Japanese economy into the future through innovation and entrepreneurial efforts. Finalists were selected by the Forbes Japan editorial team with input from online readers.

The Award Ceremony included awards for the “Japan Entrepreneurs 2017 BEST 10”, “The Rising Star Award” and the “Most Influential Venture BEST 3”. Ranking first for Japan Entrepreneurs 2017 was Shintaro Yamada, founder and CEO of Mercari Inc. For The Rising Star Award, the winner was David Uze, CEO of Trillium. And ranked first among the Most Influential Ventures was Soichi Kariyazono of Globis Capital Partners.

The winning Start-ups were featured in the magazine's January 2017 edition.

Empire Entertainment is the premier producer of some of the most prestigious award ceremonies throughout the world.

The Bulgari Aurora Awards 2016

The Bulgari Aurora Awards 2016


November 2016


In 2016 Bulgari Japan launched the BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS inorder to recognize and celebrate women who have made an exceptionalcontribution to Japanese society. Named for Aurora, the Roman goddess of dawn,the Awards aim to inspire all women in Japan by drawing attention to Japanesewomen of intelligence, talent, creativity and generosity who naturally bringout the radiant qualities of those around them, and shine a fresh light onsociety as a whole.

From initial concept through to the star-studded inauguralAwards event in Tokyo, Empire assisted Bulgari by facilitating the planning,creation and execution of every facet of the Aurora Awards. Launched onInternational Women’s Day in March 2016, a series of print and film interviewswith the participants were published throughout the year to promote eachAwardee's inspiring message to women throughout Japan.

The culmination of the year was the dazzling BVLGARI AVRORAAWARDS ceremony hosted by Bulgari Global CEO Jean-Christophe Babin and producedby Empire, held on November 29th at Tokyo Midtown and the Ritz Carlton. The 10Inspiring Women and their Recommenders, together with over 100 top celebritiesand media, walked the Golden Carpet and later participated in a gala partywhere Awardees shared their stories in diverse fields from charity andbusiness, through to music, cinema and the arts. The highlight of the eveningwas a private concert from acclaimed guitarist Tomoyasu Hotei, staged in tandemwith a stunning Bulgari jewelry show. (Digest Video)

Empire was honored to be intimately involved in thesuccessful planning and launch of the BVLGARI AVRORA AWARDS, once again provingits expertise in producing high-profile events around the world. With theirsuccess, the Awards are set to become an annual event, and we look forward tomore inspiring women and their stories.

Uhuru's Office Opening Celebration

Uhuru's Office Opening Celebration


October 2016




「Future x Nature」というテーマに基づき、Empireはオフィス専門のの不動産チームと緊密に連携し、受付エリア、会議室、セミナースペース、ワーキングスペースの4つの異なる空間をデザインしました。

最終的なデザインには、植物や木材などの有機素材と、アストロターフカーペット、天井に設置された植物、moloのペーパーシーティングなど、現代的なデザインの家具(IROCO Designより)が組み合わされました。


Bulgari Hotels & Resorts book launch: La Cucina Di Luca Fantin

Bulgari Hotels & Resorts book launch: La Cucina Di Luca Fantin


September 2016

東京 (とうきょう)

Empire Entertainment Japan had the great honor to organize the launch event of the first Bulgari Hotels & Resorts book, La Cucina Di Luca Fantin, introducing the amazing work of Luca Fantin, executive chef of Bulgari’s famous Il Ristorante Luca Fantin in Tokyo. A press conference, discussion, lunch, and cocktail reception were held at the magnificent Bulgari Ginza Tower on Monday, September 12.

Luca Fantin offers a contemporary interpretation of the Italian culinary tradition, reinventing the concept of Italian cuisine while using the best local ingredients from producers across Japan. La Cucina Di Luca Fantis introduces the reader to Luca's journey and what inspires him each day to create dishes that are comparable to Bulgari’s famed jewelry.

The book launch event began with a press conference for a select group of 56 Japanese journalists and a panel discussion introducing Chef Luca Fantin; Silvio Ursini, Group Executive Vice President of Bulgari; Andrea Petrini, journalist & author; Takanori Nakamura, journalist, all who partnered to make this adventure possible.

Top media elite, politicians, and other notables were invited to a press lunch, including Domenico Gorgi, Italian Ambassador to Japan. They enjoyed a late summer menu prepared by Luca Fantin.

Later that evening, Bulgari Hotels & Resorts hosted a celebration and cocktail reception for over 400 guests at Bulgari Ginza Tower's La Terrazza Dom Pérignon lounge, with music provided by the famous Italian DJ Nicola Conte. Il Ristorante was transformed into a gallery presenting a selection of beautiful photos from La Cucina Di Luca Fantin.

​Empire Entertainment is a proud producer of high-profile luxury events around the world.

Herbert Smith Freehills Summer Party

Herbert Smith Freehills Summer Party


July 2016


The annual summer party held by Herbert Smith Freehills, was held again this year at the Ritz Carlton with over 250 guests in attendance.

Special attention was given towards the decoration of the room with the usage of vertical banners hung from the ceilings as well as structures placed on the party floor.

The guests once entering into the room were instantly transported from Tokyo to the Middle East and Africa, the two main themes of the party.

Rin Nakashima on the Japanese Koto brought to the venue a wide range of sounds, with songs specifically arranged for this event. She was joined by her colleagues on guitar and drums and they rearranged well known songs in a Middle Eastern and African fashion further adding to the ambiance of the evening.

The party finished off with a special sand art performance by the duo group Emullenuett with images shifting and constantly changing on the screen, a journey that took the guests around the world and the various regions that Herbert Smith exists.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division was responsible for all event production and management, technical production, and artist coordination.

Shell Global Smiling Stars 2016

Shell Global Smiling Stars 2016


May 2016

Shell Global

​On May 18th and 19th, Empire Japan presented 5 entertainment acts for Shell Global’s 2016 Smiling Stars incentive, an annual event that rewards its retailers around the world for exceptional performance.

May 18 - As the welcome entertainment, a duo of guitar and koto harp serenaded guests in the garden with their arrangements of Japanese and western music. Following the music in the garden, violin trio Grand Noir provided acoustic ambience during dinner before returning to electrify the stage with a plugged-in performance in advance of award presentations.

May 19 - As the first act of the evening, traditional Eisa and lion dances from Okinawa energized and interacted with guests from all over the world out on the terrace. Following the Okinawan dance, guests moved inside and the juggling sensations Kikyo Brothers used their trademark light-up programmed batons in an exhilarating juggling routine. Finally, as a capstone for Empire’s portion of the program, world-champion diabolo performer Yusaku Mochizuki also of Empire Artists-managed group enra lit up the stage with his unique performance of his original piece “GRAVITY” in a high-octane routine combining the diabolo with tap dance.

Empire was responsible for proposing, negotiating, contracting, and advancing logistical elements for all 5 acts. Empire Entertainment is a leading provider of talent for corporate events and celebrations around the world.

Executive Fight Night VI

Executive Fight Night VI


May 2016


​Would you go through weeks of hardcore boxing training while working full-time and then climb into the ring in front of hundreds of your friends and coworkers for a great cause?

That’s what 16 amateur fighters did for “Executive Fight Night,” a semi-annual Vegas-style boxing event designed for business executives to blow off some steam and raise funds for a good cause. Empire Japan was once again proud to produce such an exciting event.

On May 20th, the sixth and latest fight night was held at the Tokyo Grand Hyatt. 400+ spectators were wining and dining as their friends and coworkers fought it out in the ring.

Of course, EFN is not just about blowing off steam and testing ones physical ability. Over ¥10 million in proceeds from this event, a EFN record, has been raised for Shine On! Kids, an organization devoted to bettering the lives of children in Japan who are battling cancer.

Empire once again proves to be the leading producer of fundraising events and was thrilled to help produce yet another successful Executive Fight Night.​

​adidas Japan: KOSATEN Intersection of Past, Present and Future

​adidas Japan: KOSATEN Intersection of Past, Present and Future


April 2016

原宿 (はらじゅく)

adidas has a long history in Japan and is currently the number one sports apparel brand in the country. So it was a natural choice for adidas Japan to host a globally facing celebration of the iconic Originals line. And adidas Japan’s choice was to have Empire Entertainment Japan handle all aspects of production, from event concept to execution and media production.

adidas Japan wanted a large-scale interactive event where the public could experience Originals connections to the Past, Present and Future. Empire took that concept one step further and came up with idea of KOSATEN, Japanese for Intersection. The ten-day event would explore how Originals lives at the intersection of culture.

An integral part of the overall plan was to leverage social media before, during and after the event to drive awareness and excitement. Empire Japan produced a high-energy teaser, a pre-view video, daily digests and a wrap-up video to contribute to the buzz. This content was distributed worldwide on adidas’ social media feeds as well as the feeds of major influencers involved with the event.

The week and a half event kicked off with a private showing for the media followed by an invitation-only celebrity-driven Opening Night Party. Famous faces from the worlds of sports, fashion, music and culture explored the exhibits and danced the night away – click HERE for the Opening Night Party Video.

As soon as they entered the hyper-modern space in the heart of Harajuku, Tokyo’s fashion epicenter, they were greeted by a massive 3 story video installation hanging from the ceiling. From there they were led on a journey through three levels of encounters with the brand: over 500 pairs of the rarest vintage adidas athletic shoes, brought over with their collectors from Europe expressly for the occasion; a giant installation allowing you to feel like you were entering the interior of the latest adidas show, with walls constructed of Prime Knit and a floor made out of Boost; and a glimpse into the future with live 3D printing showcasing how, soon, shoes can be made just for you.

Each day, Empire produced a Talk Show at the event space, that included some of the biggest pioneers and global influencers in adidas`s lineup. From tennis legend Stan Smith to hip hop legend D.M.C of Run D.M.C, each speaker spoke about their experiences with the brand and how it continues to influence them in their everyday lives. Other speakers included, Markus Thaler (Adidas ZX Model Pioneer), Top Japanese comedians; RG (Razor Ramon), Anthony (Matenrou), Akaba (Saru-Gorilla), Ueda (Good Walkin), Shigeyuki Kunii (Mita Sneaker Creative Director), MATSU (Exile), GENKING (Top Model), MALIA (Top Model), Poggy (UA Creative Director), and Genvey Yamaguchi (World Famous Obi Artist).

Over the course of 10 days, the exhibit became a trending topic across numerous social media channels, press outlets and among fashion brand industry influencers.

Empire once again proves to be the leading producer of global fashion brand events and was thrilled to help adidas Japan produce yet another successful adidas event.

Salesforce.com's World Tour Returns to Tokyo

Salesforce.com's World Tour Returns to Tokyo


December 2015


One of the largest and most influential tech gatherings in the world, the Salesforce World Tour brings together businesses and technology leaders who are focused on opportunities in cloud-based and mobile computing. Empire's Tokyo Office was proud to again produce this industry benchmark event for client Salesforce.

The event hosted over 14,000 registered guests over the course of two days at three different venues, the Ryogoku Kokugikan, the Prince Park Tower, and Toranomon Hills Forum in Tokyo, and the livestream was watched by over 500,000 viewers.

Keynote speakers included Keith Block, President and Vice Chairman Salesforce, Parker Harris, Co-Founder Salesforce, with special performances by Tatsuya Tatsuya,a celebrated Japanese musician, and Konishiki, a former Sumo wrestler. There was also a special presentation on the second day by Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto University who was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

A branded exhibition hall was again featured this year at the Prince Park Hotel with displays by partner companies. The Toranomon Hills Forum served as a focal area where Marketing and Developer experts converged for detailed sessions and hands on demonstrations.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division, working closely with Salesforce's Japan and US teams and Salesforce's agency, was responsible for the event's design, production, and direction.

Empire once again proved to be the leading producer of global conferences and events in the Asian region and is proud to be the partner of choice for this and many other such global premier events.

Pride of Japan: enra at Cyber3 Conference Okinawa 2015

Pride of Japan: enra at Cyber3 Conference Okinawa 2015


November 2015


Under the sponsorship of the Cabinet Office of Japan,the Cyber3 Conference Okinawa 2015 was held on November 7-8, 2015. Aspart of this event, host venue of the G8 2000 Okinawa Summit, The Busena Terrace, hosted the Cool Japan Dinner, during which enra gave a magnificent performance for theGovernor of Okinawa Prefecture as well as 300 other leaders in politics,business, society, and media from throughout Japan and around the world.

With enra’s experience performing at the PrimeMinister’s Official Welcome Dinner for International Olympic Committee representativesduring the Tokyo 2020 Evaluation Commission Visit in March 2013, the CabinetOffice wanted to book enra again, and with their enthusiastic interest, we madeit happen.

Leading up to this event, Empire worked closely withenra’s creative director on the details of the show and to make it asuccess that the Japanese government would be proud to show the world. Inresponse, the distinguished guests from all over the world that saw enra livein Okinawa filled the venue with thunderous applause.

Empire Entertainment Japan launches Artist Management Division, Empire Artists

Empire Entertainment Japan launches Artist Management Division, Empire Artists


July 2015


In our 21 years of producing events at Empire Entertainment, we have workedwith an amazing array of artists and creators who inspire, motivate, provokeand enlighten, as well as entertain. We are now proud to announce the launch ofour artist management division, “Empire Artists”.

Over time we have developed a special affinity for a number of talentedindividuals in diverse fields, who change the ways we perceive time, space, andperformance, extending our experience of the world we live in through their individualartistry, without conforming to any creative genre or box.

Unique artists in their own right, we created Empire Artists to support themand bring their talents and mesmerizing skills to a wider world. Combining ourmanagement, organization and promotional expertise with their individual talentand thirst to challenge and explore, we aim to generate appropriateopportunities to bring their amazing art, learning, communication, andentertainment to a larger stage.

The common theme of Empire Artists is their ability to communicate a messagein a different way. To think bigger, explore boundaries, alter perceptions, andpuncture long-held conventions, connecting, intriguing and wowing audiencesone-on-one through to arena crowds, by transforming and integrating experiencesbeyond the reach of ‘normal’ creativity.

Much more than entertainment, our artists channel fields as diverse asadvanced technology to traditional music, thriving on expanding what ispossible in their specialist fields, driven by their individual creativity andsense of wonder.

Enjoy exploring, and if you would like to know more about any of our EmpireArtists and the experiences they create, or feel we could represent you, pleaseget in touch.



Empire Entertainment Japan Celebrates 10th Anniversary in Spectacular Fashion

Empire Entertainment Japan Celebrates 10th Anniversary in Spectacular Fashion


July 2015


​On July 24th, Empire Entertainment Japan celebrated its 10th anniversary. Empire Entertainment Japan threw an incredible party to thank all their great clients, partners and friends for helping Empire reach such an important milestone.

Guests ate, drank, and danced the night away at Tokyo Tower Studios, located just under famous Tokyo Tower. The 10th anniversary party featured performances by Mico, enra, DJ Yummy, and also debuted a massive Kinect-enabled preview of the largest giga-pixel image of Tokyo ever taken, produced in conjunction with Empire partner Fancam. On display were a number of awards Empire Entertainment Japan has received over their first 10 years and a movie screen-sized presentation of past Empire projects.

At the anniversary party, Empire announced the formation of Empire’s artist management group “Empire Artists”. While still newly launched, Empire is proud to already be representing such great artists as Alexa Meade, Tom Black, Circus of Now, enra, Han Ahn Soon, Kurt Wenner, Marco Tempest and Mico. The event also marked another milestone: the launch of www.empireartists.jp

Empire’s subsidiary Iroco Design Japan supplied the designer furniture for the event. You can view their imaginative selection here: www.irocodesign.jp

Partnering with Empire to bring together this amazing event were Meguro Kogei, Heart-S, Grid, Kyoeisha, Set-Up and Daiwa Act.

Empire Entertainment Japan would like to thank everyone for their support and looks forward to further supplying award-winning events, entertainment, and artists for many years to come.

US Embassy's Independence Day Party in Tokyo hosted by Ambassador Caroline Kennedy

US Embassy's Independence Day Party in Tokyo hosted by Ambassador Caroline Kennedy


July 2015


On July 2, 2015, Empire had the great pleasure andhonor of producing the Independence Day celebration for Ambassador CarolineKennedy at the Ambassador’s Residence in Tokyo.

The 1,200 person guest list included governmentrepresentatives, military officials, business leaders andcelebrities from America, Japan, and other countries around the world. Theguests enjoyed the refined atmosphere and tasteful decor that featured a red,white and blue color scheme inspired by the American flag. Beautifully decorated tents were set up in the gardens outside the residence foreveryone to enjoy music and the best of American cuisine. Entertainment included the Marine Color Corps Guard march, performances by the Army Brass Band, and the Japanese and U.S. National Anthems sung by jammin' Zeb.

Empire was honored to be a part of the 4th ofJuly celebrations, creating the atmosphere for the most important event of thiskind in Japan.

Run For The Cure Pink Ball 2015

Run For The Cure Pink Ball 2015


March 2015


Pink Ball bringstogether those in the community who share a commitment to fighting breastcancer in Japan, and Empire once again supported the "Run For The Cure" Foundation by producing this year's event.

Pink Ball is ablack-tie gala bringing together those in the community who share a commitmentto fighting breast cancer in Japan, and spearheading greater awareness,diagnosis and treatment among Japanese women of all ages.

The funds raisedthrough Pink Ball go toward the “Run For The Cure” Foundation’s communityoutreach programs that include the “Lemon Project” seminars and publicationof PiNK magazine, a vital media tool for bringing the latest informationabout breast cancer treatments and health-related topics to women living inJapan.

In recent years,Empire Entertainment has been responsible for the overall production of PinkBall, and we continued this worthy tradition for its 12th Anniversary event in 2015. This year's event, themed “The Fruits of Life” featured powerfulJapanese Taiko drumming from Tenrin, flash mob singing by Give 6 and cuisine created by internationally-renowned guest chef Kevin Paul Connell.

Over the courseof the evening, a raffle, silent auction and live auction all raised money for“Run For The Cure” and its important work. Empire is proud to be anintegral part of this event and its valuable contributions.

Salesforce.com's World Tour Stop in Tokyo

Salesforce.com's World Tour Stop in Tokyo


December 2014


One of the largest and most influential tech gatherings in the world, salesforce.com brings together businesses and technology leaders who are focused on opportunities in cloud-based and mobile computing. Empire's Asia team and its partners recently produced the Japan stop of the Salesforce.com world tour.

The event hosted over 6,000 attendees at the Prince Park Tower and Toranomon Hills Forum in Tokyo and was watched by over 300,000 viewers online.

Keynote speakers included Marc Benioff (CEO Salesforce), Akio Toyoda (CEO of Toyota Motor Corporation), Yoshiki (a celebrated Japanese musician) and Koji Uehara (Red Sox pitcher). A branded exhibition hall also featured displays by approximately 60 partner companies.

Empire’s Tokyo-based Asia division was responsible for all event production and management, technical production and coordination.

Empire is a leading producer of global conferences and events and our Asia division is the partner of choice for some of the world’s premier and most technically demanding events.

Swatch “SISTEM51” Press Conference

Swatch “SISTEM51” Press Conference


May 2014


Empire recently had the pleasure of again serving the Swatch Group in Japan, this time on the occasion of their launch press conference at the Nicolas G. Hayek Center, in Ginza, Tokyo. For this most recent launch event, Swatch Group Japan sought to showcase four models of the world's first "SISTEM51" movement watches. First revealed in April 2013, the "SISTEM51" automatic (self-winding) watch movement is 100% Swiss made and consists of only 51 parts.

For the press event and product reveal, Empire matched the venue’s minimal white space with a clean and contemporary design to provide optimal visual merchandising of the product. The well-attended press conference featured a variety of speakers, product reveals, pre-recorded video rolls and a reception. Empire served as overall producer of the launch press conference, and was responsible for all displays, performances and talent casting. Over 90 members from the media attended, resulting in wide coverage of the event.

Empire is a leading producer of product launches and related press events worldwide.

State Street Bank Boston Symphony Orchestra Asia Tour 2014 VIP Cocktail Reception

State Street Bank Boston Symphony Orchestra Asia Tour 2014 VIP Cocktail Reception


May 2014


From May 1 to May 10, one of five major orchestras in America, the 2014 Boston Symphony Orchestras Asia Tour, sees the Suntory Concert Hall in Tokyo as its final performance destination.On Friday, May 9, at the beautiful Suntory Hall Blue Rose (Small Hall), Empire Japan produced the VIP Cocktail Reception Party for State Street Bank, one of the sponsors for the 2014 Boston Symphony Orchestras Asia Tour.From the pre-production management, staging to venue décor, Empire Japan was responsible for full production in collaboration with Hong Kong partners. More than 200 VIP guests attended including Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy and the 29th United States Ambassador to Japan. Empire Japan was thrilled to have produced such an enjoyable evening.

NetScout Asia Reseller Summit

NetScout Asia Reseller Summit

Osaka and Kyoto

May 2014

大阪 (おおさか) と 京都 (きょうと)

From May 25-28, 2014, NetScout Systems, Inc., an industry leader for advanced network, application and service assurance solutions, held its Asia Reseller Summit in Osaka, Japan. NetScout’s U.S. events agency for the Summit, Opus Events, called on Empire to handle all Destination Management and Coordination Services in Japan.

Empire managed logistics for over 100 NetScout guests and staff for their visit to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Osaka where the Summit was held. A welcome reception was held on the first night with beautifully atmospheric live music provided by Ito Maiko, a popular traditional “Koto” Japanese harp player cast by Empire.

On the second evening, NetScout held an Awards Dinner for which Empire cast Japanese samurai sword performance artists, KAMUI, whose highly skilled swordsmanship and storytelling has gained them high praise around the world. KAMUI’s dramatic performance on the night demonstrated why director Quentin Tarantino turned to them for expertise for his hit movie, Kill Bill.

On the third day of the Summit, Empire, working with a local tourism company, arranged a tour of Kyoto – Japan’s cultural heart – where participants had the chance to visit several UNESCO World Heritage Sites including The Golden Pavilion and Kiyomizudera Temple.

The fourth and final day saw guests departing the hotel, with our staff making sure that they were looked after for their ongoing journeys.

Because of detailed planning and local expertise, Empire was able to ensure smooth logistics, exceptional entertainment and many pleasant memories for NetScout’s team in Japan. We look forward to welcoming them back.

Swatch Japan 160th Anniversary of Tissot

Swatch Japan 160th Anniversary of Tissot


February 2014


On February 7, 2014, the Swatch Group Japan held an important event celebrating the 160th anniversary of Tissot Watches. The event entitled “TISSOT: INNOVATORS BY TRADITION” was presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo for an audience of VIPs, celebrities and top customers. As part of the celebration, Empire Entertainment Japan commissioned U.S.-based dance company “Le Ombré” to create an original performance to celebrate the company’s rich history. Swatch Group Executive Board member, Francois Thiébaud, together with Swatch Group Japan President, Christophe Savioz, gave the celebratory toast and opened the curtain on Le Ombré’s acrobatic silhouette performance, designed to reflect the spirit of challenge carried over Tissot’s 160 year history. The client described Le Ombré’s performance and the evening as “Unforgettable.” Empire is a leading producer of high-end events for luxury brands throughout the world.

Andy Warhol Exhibition Opening

Andy Warhol Exhibition Opening


January 2014


Opening February 1 and running through May 6, 2014 at the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, “Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal,” is the largest Asian exhibition of Andy Warhol’s work to date.

Empire was honored to produce the pre-opening night of this important exhibition with a massive reception for nearly 2,500 guests, all celebrating the legacy of this icon of pop art and to help open this important exhibit.

Sponsored by BMW, Christies, and Bloomberg, and with attendees including VIPs, celebrities, executives, art dealers and members of the press, the successful party was described as the “crowning glory” of the exhibit's Asia tour. After opening toasts, Empire’s Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis models entered the room to kick off the party. Guests were thrilled to have their photographs taken with these iconic subjects of some of Warhol’s best-known works and to capture their own 15 minutes of fame on social media posts.

Pan-Asian Technology Summit for HP in Japan

Pan-Asian Technology Summit for HP in Japan

Osaka, Japan

July 2013


When multinational information technology corporation Hewlett Packard (HP) wanted the support of a truly international production company to unite their most valued customers with partners from across the Asia-Pacific, they once again turned to Empire’s Japan office for assistance. Over 350 of HP’s most valued customers, channel partners, and staff were invited to converge at the Hilton Osaka hotel, where Empire’s team set about the task of creating and delivering a logistically flawless event.

Aspects under Empire’s scope of responsibility included staging, seating, coordination with the hotel, collateral materials and simultaneous. The summit focused on the theme of storage technology and included participation by several important partners such as the Intel Corporation. Over the course of two days, a series of keynote speeches and special breakout sessions, all participants were able to discover and discuss the latest ideas and systems in a comfortable, organized environment.

In addition to the keynotes and breakouts, Empire also designed and directed the build of an HP Technology Showcase area that facilitated learning about HP and its partners, as well as provided a place for guests to mingle and relax. The gala dinner that followed featured the live action and digital dance troop “Enra” performing in synchronization to a computer-generated projected background, custom prepared to highlight the summit’s ideas covered earlier in the day.

Empire is a leading global provider of services for corporate meetings and events with extensive experience in the technology industry. We are delighted to have successfully produced another important event for one of the most highly-regarded clients in the technology industry.

Empire's Asia Division Helps Deliver Jennifer Lopez to Perform at a Private Concert In Japan

Empire's Asia Division Helps Deliver Jennifer Lopez to Perform at a Private Concert In Japan

Osaka, Japan

February 2013


Once again, Empire helped a corporate client achieve a phenomenal concert success by welcoming a truly international star to Japan.On February 3, 2013, one of Empire’s top multinational corporate clients presented Jennifer Lopez, performing live at an award ceremony for an audience of 37,000 at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan.For this high profile, international project, Empire’s Tokyo-based staff played several roles, providing stage direction & technical liaison between Jennifer Lopez’ team and Japanese vendors and crew, as well as arrival-to-departure local co-ordination for Jennifer Lopez and her musicians and crew during their stay to ensure the most comfortable and satisfying experience in Japan.From advance client / artist liaison to logistics, hospitality, negotiations and onsite management, Empire managed every aspect of the tour. From first class catering to perfectly-scheduled transportation, no detail was overlooked to meet the artist’s every request. One of the challenges of delivering headline artists and large entourages oversees are the many visa, customs and other legal requirements. This is as true for the world’s best-known artists as it is for lesser-known performers. Empire was responsible for handling visas for all 45 members of the touring party. For the artist’s private aircraft flight charter arrival to the Kansai International Airport (KIX), Empire worked closely with an aircraft charter company and airport authorities to ensure the smoothest experience, and arranged top-level security personnel to safeguard the artist’s privacy and safety. Jennifer Lopez’ exciting and energetic performance of her many world-renowned hits attracted rave reviews from the client and a standing ovation from its audience. Empire is honored to have helped deliver Jennifer Lopez in Japan and to add her spectacular performance to the growing list of international artists that Empire has produced in Asia and around the world.

Disney Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Tokyo

Disney Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in Tokyo


November 2012


On November 1st, 2012, Omotesando Hills held a Christmas light up ceremony that celebrated the 110th Anniversary of Walt Disney. This year, the Christmas tree was entirely surrounded by 25,000 Swarovski crystals and the event was given the overall theme of “Love”.

Empire Entertainment Japan was responsible for the event’s entire production, casting child actress, Mana Ashida, as Cinderella.“Mana-Chan” - as she is affectionately known - ascended the stairs wearing a beautiful white fairy-tale dress, escorted by Prince Charming. The two stood beside the sparkling tree, admiring the Christmas illuminations while surrounded by an awestruck audience.

This event was one of the media highlights of the week in Japan, and having successfully delivered the Christmas spirit to Omotesando Hills, Empire is delighted with another fairy tale ending.

A Short Trip to Traditional Japan

A Short Trip to Traditional Japan


October 2012


Showcase of Traditional Performing Arts at Haneda Airport, Japan. The Haneda Airport International Passenger Terminal played host to a "Short Trip" to the world of Japanese traditional performing arts in which visitors at the terminal could enjoy an informal taste of some of Japan's unique performing art forms.

Traditional Japanese song and dance was performed on an open stage, including a spectacular lion dance, “shamisen” and “koto” playing, with "Shinnai" ballad singing by strolling musicians. Visitors could also take part in a Japanese tea ceremony, or watch and even try the skills of Japanese musical instrument-making craftsmen.

Empire Entertainment Japan was comprehensively responsible for planning, managing and manning the event which gave those leaving and entering the airport terminal a highly authentic, yet delightful taste of Japanese culture.

Japanese Launch of Microsoft's New OS

Japanese Launch of Microsoft's New OS


October 2012


Empire was chosen by US software company Microsoft to launch the latest incarnation of its world-leading operating system.The client’s brief was focused on the need to communicate the excitement of Japan welcoming the new software at the stroke of midnight. Empire’s project team worked tirelessly to put together a plan that would create an irresistible buzz around the launch.

This launch plan included venue search, design and build, awareness building activity planning, and casting at the main venue in the heart of Tokyo’s internationally famous “Electric Town”, Akihabara.

Empire cast Crystal Kay as the main performer for the evening with Fukazawa Rina as MC. Other special guests included the enormously popular all-girl band SCANDAL, commentator Dave Spector, and parkour artist Zen Shimada, all who kept the ever growing audience thoroughly entertained. Akihabara was jumping as Crystal Kay and her dancers lit up the night with a fantastically energetic performance.

Working with Japan’s largest advertising agency, Empire was able to execute to perfection, delivering an exciting and visually stunning launch event for this global brand.

SIBOS Client Reception for Major UK Bank

SIBOS Client Reception for Major UK Bank

Osaka, Japan

October 2012


SIBOS is an annual banking and financial conference organized by the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication in various cities around the world. It has been held in Amsterdam, Sydney, Copenhagen, Boston, Berlin, Helsinki and other cities.

This year Empire was asked to produce the conference reception for a major British multinational banking and financial services company.

Held at The Hyatt Regency Osaka, Empire was responsible for all aspects of production from design and layout, to lighting and catering, making sure that the high standards of the bank were met and an enjoyable evening was had by all

Kenny G Show in Japan

Kenny G Show in Japan


September 2012


Kenny G was invited to perform his live act in Japan. He performed his hit numbers to an audience of 5,000 at Japan’s Yokohama Arena. Empire provided transportation and logistics services between the airport, hotels and venue, and talent management for Kenny and his team in communicating with transport, hotel and venue staff. Empire supported Kenny with his Japanese speeches, and with interpretation between the stage managers, Kenny and his technical team.

Omotesando Special Party 2012

Omotesando Special Party 2012


September 2012


On September 14th, 2012, Omotesando Hills held their “Special Party 2012”. For this exclusive party, Empire Entertainment Japan was asked to handle casting. For the stage, Empire invited Ms. OOJA, Risa Ono and MEG. As DJs, Empire cast DJ KIKIORIX and DJ KAWASAKI.DJ KIKIORIX kicked off the music while guests perused the shops, enjoying the exclusive atmosphere with complimentary champagne in their hands. Ms. OOJA then appeared on the main stage to sing several of her hit songs. Risa Ono, one of the first Japanese artists to gain fame singing bossa nova in Japan then appeared on stage to perform several well loved songs. Finally, MEG greeted the crowd with her dancers before her own amazing performance. DJ KAWASAKI spun the discs with jazz-fusion songs for the rest of the evening. Responsible for stage production and casting, Empire was able to deliver yet another successful event to Omotesando Hills.

Empire Produces An American Humane Association V.I.P. Luncheon in Tokyo

Empire Produces An American Humane Association V.I.P. Luncheon in Tokyo


February 2012


Ever since the tragic events of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that swept a wave of destruction across north-eastern Japan on March 11th, 2011, American Humane Association has been supporting welfare organizations involved in the rescue and care of animals involved in the disaster.When the Association decided to hold their 2012 VIP Luncheon in Japan, Empire was asked to manage the event.

Approximately 30 VIPs attended the February 15th event, hosted in The Alder Room of the Mandarin Oriental hotel, Tokyo.Distinguished guests included members of the U.S. Embassy in Japan, representatives from Japanese animal welfare organizations, and executives from the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ – sponsors of the event and one of the Humane Association’s strongest supporters.President and CEO of the Association, Robin R. Ganzert Ph.D. led the luncheon, speaking of the need for everyone to defend and protect the voiceless. Shiro Nakagawa, Chairman of the Japan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (JSPCA) also spoke about how the two countries had united to help the animals.In addition to the speeches, attendees were shown a fascinating video documentary on the history of American Humane Association’s Red Star™ Animal Emergency Services, which for almost 100 years has been responding to disasters around the world.Empire Entertainment would like to thank all involved in the event.

We are proud to support American Humane Association and its partners in their most valuable work.

Empire Japan Produces a Pitch Perfect Luxury Champagne Event in Kyoto, Japan

Empire Japan Produces a Pitch Perfect Luxury Champagne Event in Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan

July 2011


When the world’s most prestigious Vintage Champagne House sought an experienced producer in the luxury brand space as well as a unique location to hold a new product launch event they turned to Empire Japan and set their eyes on the city of Kyoto to realize their vision.In this beautiful city, filled with rich history, Empire identified a UNESCO World Heritage Site called Ninna-ji Temple that provided the perfect atmosphere for the event. Given both the Temple’s long history of association with Japan’s Imperial family, and its special certification as a UNESCO site, the site was perfect for the client's purposes. securing the venue for our event promised many logistical and cultural challenges but Empire’s producers worked diligently to alleviate all concerns of the Temple, while still assuring that the client’s vision for the event could be achieved.As the sun went down, and the custom designed lighting package came to life, it was clear that the event was going to exceed the client’s expectations. In the words of The Chief Cellar Master, ‘This is by far the finest launch event I have witnessed in my 20 years as Cellar Master.’50 of the most prestigious figures in Japan's culture, news and arts world gathered for this special evening, where they were treated to a special collection of traditional Japanese recipes prepared by award winning chef Tokuoka Kunio. The traditional Japanese interior of the temple was complemented by projection mapping that seamlessly tied imagery from the city of Kyoto to that of 17th Century Champagne.Empire Entertainment Japan was proud to be responsible for the venue selection, direction, operation and overall production of this benchmark event and is a leading producer of luxury brand events throughout the world.

Empire Japan Produces a Charity Event to Provide Tsunami Relief for Japan's Tohoku Region

Empire Japan Produces a Charity Event to Provide Tsunami Relief for Japan's Tohoku Region


April 2011


On April 12, 2011 Empire Entertainment Japan, together with the support of our sponsors, partners and friends produced the charity event "Power to the People" to provide aid to Tsunami and Earthquake victims in Japan's hard hit Tohoku region.All proceeds from this event were donated to the not-for-profit organization Civic Force, one of the many groups doing excellent work delivering urgently needed relief services to isolated areas of Northeast Japan.Despite a strong aftershock earthquake on the day of the event, over 200 guests joined our artists and speakers for the event and over 1 million yen was donated to charity.Event Website:http://empireentertainmentjapan.web.fc2.com/Artists and Speakers (Alphabetical Order):AHN MIKA: tencarat-plume.jp/models/details/anmika.shtmlAMIGA: http: www.electrical-lovers.com/DJ ALEX from TOKYO: www.alexfromtokyo.sakura.ne.jp/en/profile.htmlDJ YUMMY: www.djyummy.net/Naomi Grace: www.naomigrace.com/Sherry: www.mh-fujiga.com/sherry/TONFU: www.mimi-e.com/tonfu/ Supporting Organizations (Alphabetical Order):Asian Tigers Japan: www.asiantigers-japan.comAZA: www.aza.co.jpConcept Artists: www.conceptartists.comEmpire Entertainment Inc.: www.empireentertainment.comEvent 21: www.event21.co.jpFashion TV Japan: www.ftv.co.jpMiss Universe Japan, IBG Japan, Co. Ltd.: www.missuniversejapan.com Santa Fe Japan: www.santafejapan.co.jpSleep Solutions Inc.: www.sleeptracker.comTAKE AND GIVE NEEDS Co., Ltd: www.tgn.co.jpWeatherly Japan: www.sleeptracker.jpHaiyuza Theater: www.haiyuzagekijou.co.jp/theater

Spiderman Meets Kurt Wenner Trick Art for Universal Studios Japan's 10th Anniversary

Spiderman Meets Kurt Wenner Trick Art for Universal Studios Japan's 10th Anniversary

Osaka, Japan

March 2011


Universal Studios Japan kicked off their 10th anniversary celebrations with the unveiling of Kurt Wenner's newest and most technically sophisticated work to date.Featuring the Spiderman character, the new artwork tricks the eye through a combination of Kurt Wenner's user of the effects of anamorphic perspective and stereoscopic 3D. The combined impact of the two techniques is nothing short of amazing, and the lines of guests waiting to see, and have their pictures taken in the work are testament to its success as a new attraction.The work itself is approximately 50 feet long and 20 feet wide, and incorporates original vertical artwork as well as existing elements of Universal Studios Japan (including the famous New York Library set that was used in the film Ghostbusters).Empire Entertainment Japan consulted with Universal Studios Japan on the development of their 10th anniversary trick art concepts, and worked together with artist Kurt Wenner to develop the breakthrough artwork. Empire further supported Universal Studios in maximizing press in association with the artwork's unveiling, successfully receiving both domestic and international coverage.Kurt Wenner is also the author of the recently published Sterling Publishing's "Asphalt Renaissance". Asphalt Renaissance brilliantly recounts Wenner's re-imagining of street painting, and how he revolutionized this ancient art by creating a technique that produces astounding images in 3D that reach out of the pavement toward the viewer and appear perilously deep.Featuring photographs of hundreds of his painting, this volume spans Wenner's career and captures his thoughts on art and the ephemeral nature of this work.

Empire Japan Produces Sweet Christmas for SPIRAL LIVE 2010 at Omotesando Hills

Empire Japan Produces Sweet Christmas for SPIRAL LIVE 2010 at Omotesando Hills


December 2010


For the 2010 Christmas Season, once again Omotesando Hills called on Empire Entertainment Japan for artist casting, production and direction of their Christmas SPIRAL LIVE 2010. Empire proposed, negotiated, booked and produced a variety of artists to make the multi-day event a strong draw for Omotesando Hills during the competitive holiday shopping season.The artists performed on a stage constructed in the center of the grand staircase, beside an 8 meter tall Christmas tree decorated with 250,000 Swarovski crystals.The event successfully kicked off with Misako Sakazume singing tunes from her album "Love Notes", followed by performance by Hanah, Mao Denda, Lil'B, YU-A, Tiara, and Dew. Altogether 7 artists performed across the course of the 7 day event, successfully attracting both new and old customers to Omotesando Hills, and re-confirming the shopping complex as a center of not only Japanese fashion, but culture as well.

Global Network Marketing Company's 2010 Leadership Seminar and Gala Dinner

Global Network Marketing Company's 2010 Leadership Seminar and Gala Dinner

Osaka, Japan

December 2010


"Unforgettable night filled with unforgettable moments!" These were some of the words of praise Empire received from Amway's senior management, following the completion of the event.As the largest network marketing company in the world, Amway is renowned for the originality and quality of their distributor incentive tours and leadership seminars. When Amway Taiwan decide to hold their 2010 Leadership Seminar in Osaka Japan, they reached out to Empire Entertainment Japan for a turn-key solution for all their event needs.Empire produced both of Amway Taiwan's key events for this tour-the Leadership Seminar and Gala Dinner Event. Empire's provided comprehensive services including concept development, venue negotiation, scripting, stage design, sound & lighting, video, entertainment performances, and VIP wardrobe and entrance performances.

The largest network marketing company in Taiwan, Amway invited approximately 1,100 distributors from Taiwan to participate in the Business Session and Gala Dinner in Osaka Japan.The Business Session, held at the Swissotel Nankai Naniwa Ball, kicked off the day. The session featured key speeches by Amway Taiwan Executives and top distributors, and special coordinated activities for distribute future goal setting.After enjoying the city of Osaka, the distributors gathered at the Osaka Grand Cube to participate in the Gala Dinner. Guests were photographed as they arrived, and using a green screen and post production, Empire was able to composite a single group photo gathering all 1,100 distributors without the logistically complications of needing to gather all members in one place.Once in the ball room, guests were treated to a mesmerizing sample of traditional and modern Japanese entertainment and performances.

Altogether, Empire cast well over 100 performers for the evening including Fuku-musume, Samurais, Ninjas, Sumo wrestlers, originally choreographed traditional Japanese tap dancers, and live musicians.The entertainment finale of the evening featured 57 dancers performing Yosakoi, an exciting Japanese festival dance. The performance was highlighted by the synchronized dance on all 3 of the stages-creating an atmosphere in which every seat in the hall felt central to the excitement-and participation in the dance by all 1,100 of the guests.

A Global Credit Card Brand's Anniversary at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan

A Global Credit Card Brand's Anniversary at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan


December 2010


When a famous US Credit Card and Members Services company wanted to celebrate their 50th anniversary in style, they called on Empire Entertainment Japan to deliver their customers with an once-in-a-lifetime show.Empire conceived, designed, negotiated and produced an unprecedented collaboration between the top Jazz artists or Japan and the US.The evening was kicked off with performances by Japanese Jazz vocalist Keiko Lee and jazz trumpeter Hino Terumasa. The audience was then treated to a performance by the famous jazz group Fourplay, led by lengendary artist Bob James. The respective performances by Lee and Terumasa and the Fourplay proved to be just a warm-up to the finale of the evening when all artists joined for their first ever collaboration live. The thrilled reaction of the audience confirmed what the client already confidently felt-that they had just provided their customers with an unforgettable experience.

Mai Kuraki at Omotesando Hills

Mai Kuraki at Omotesando Hills

Omotesando Hills, Tokyo

November 2010

表参道ヒルズ, 東京

Famous Japanese pop singer Mai kuraki kicked off the 2010 Christmas Tree Lighting at Omotesando Hills with a live performance, including the hit single "Tomorrow is the last time" from her new album "Future Kiss".The Christmas tree, decorated with no less than 250,000 Swarovski crystal elements, provided the backdrop for Kuraki's performance for throngs of enthusiastic fans and customers.In addition to proposing, negotiating, booking and producing Kuraki for the event, Empire Entertainment Japan supported in the pre and post publicity of the event, generating excellent media exposure for both client Omotesando Hills and artist Mai Kuraki, and increased foot-traffic for Omotesando Hills.Empire Entertainment is a leading provider of marketing entertainment solutions for retail and real-estate companies across the world, consistently and reliably leveraging entertainment contents to drive quantifiable marketing results for our clients.

Empire Japan Produces a 'GAL' event for 10,000 Japanese Girls

Empire Japan Produces a 'GAL' event for 10,000 Japanese Girls


October 2010


Empire Entertainment Japan was called upon to support the production of a popular teenager fashion magazine's promotional event.The event featured a fashion show starring top models, live musical performances from popular Japanese artists, and a special appearance by DJ Hello Kitty.Over 10,000 Japanese teenage girls converged on the Yoyogi National Gymnasium to participate in what proved to be a night full of "GAL" energy.Empire was called upon to Stage Manage the four hour event, that included fireworks, special effects, specialized stage props and a multitude of staff, musicians and models.Empire Japan is a leading producer of live events in Japan and Asia.

Megane Ichiba CM Casting

Megane Ichiba CM Casting


October 2010


When Megane Top Corporation, one of Japan's leading eyeglass retailers, and agency partner Hakuhodo were looking for an outstanding performer for their upcoming television campaign, they turned to Empire Entertainment Japan for help.Empire Entertainment Japan proposed a wide set of candidates for the campaign, and when the client fell in love with the concept of Parkour, Empire, utilizing its vast worldwide network, contracted the youtube phenomenon performer Daniel Ilabaca. Empire further negotiating and contracted rights for Daniel's appearance in the campaign and coordinated his travel and filming in Japan.The new products, launched in December 2010, are eyeglasses called "Free Fit", and Ilabaca's performance was intended to show off how the special elastic frame allows the glasses to stay in place no matter how vigorously one's head is moved.Megane Top was excited to see their product in action as Daniel performed his stunning acrobatic moves, but overwhelmed when he performed a flipping jump off a 20 foot high building (of course without the product moving).The commercial began airing in December 2010, and is currently the subject of wider press attention including an upcoming behind-the-scenes feature on the commercial to be aired nationally on Fuji Television.

Empire is a leading source of talent for television commercials, spokesperson roles, endorsements, celebrity sponsorships and other celebrity-driven marketing initiatives.

Empire Japan Produces a VIP Event for Perrier Jouet at ARGO in Tokyo

Empire Japan Produces a VIP Event for Perrier Jouet at ARGO in Tokyo

Hanzomon, Tokyo

September 2010

半蔵門, 東京

On September 28th, the number one name in Wine & Spirits, Pernod Ricard sponsored a VIP party promoting one of its subsidiaries Perrier Jouet. The party took place at ARGO, a modern French restaurant located in the Hanzomon Area of Tokyo.Empire Entertainment Japan was called upon to deliver entertainment for the evening that would both augment the luxurious feel of the evening while also providing a perfect backdrop for the champagne party.Empire proposed and produced the female string trio "rush!" and working together with the client developed a customized show that began with a familiar tune, but quickly branched out to more modern music to thematically support the event concept.Empire is a leading provider of entertainment and branded experiences throughout Japan and Asia.

Marco Tempest lights up TEDxTokyo 2010

Marco Tempest lights up TEDxTokyo 2010


May 2010


TEDxTokyo 2010, held on May 15th at the Kagaku Miraikan in Odaiba, featured performances and presentations by a wide variety of global innovators including Musician and Composer Jake Shimabukuro, Filmmaker Jin Tatsumura, Brain Scientist Ken Mogi, as well as Techno-Illusionist Marco Tempest.Empire Entertainment Japan is proud to have supported TEDxTokyo 2010 through production of the debut performance of Marco Tempest's Magic Projection, and through helping to secure Symantec Corporation as a Core Partner of TEDxTokyo.Marco Tempest's performance of Magic Projection leveraged the latest application of augmented reality and projection mapping techniques in a perfect fusion of entertainment and technology. p;One website's review stated, "When the robots come to enslave us, Marco will be the only man we can trust to negotiate a truce."TEDx was created in the spirit of TED's "ideas worth spreading" mission, with TEDx events planned and coordinated independently on local basis. The concept has gone viral, and events in more than 60 countries, and a vast number of cities and communities have already been held or are in formative stages. The goal is to spark deep discussions and connections in groups both intimate and expansive.If you would like to find out more about the TEDxTokyo, please visit www.tedxtokyo.com

Empire Japan Produces A Product Launch for Hewlett Packard in Tokyo

Empire Japan Produces A Product Launch for Hewlett Packard in Tokyo


April 2010


In April 2010, Empire Entertainment Japan had the opportunity to serve one of the world's leading IT companies, HP, in connection with their product launch event in Japan.The launch was HP’s largest Enterprise product launch event in Japan in a decade and was part of several events and initiatives taking place simultaneously across the world.The Japan event was held at Shinagawa Intercity Hall, a large, open event space in the heart of Tokyo city. The event was structured with two sessions for press and customers. For this important event Empire designed and delivered from concept to execution.Empire secured the venue, provided all staging, sound, lighting, created a branded backdrop, catering and premium items and directed the product unveiling scene by the company representative. Additionally, Empire created original videos and graphics for invitations, décor and presentations to deliver a consistent and powerful message underlining the significance of the product launch.Onstage, Hewlett Packard Japan’s President, Mr. Shinichi Koide, was joined by Intel Japan’s President Mr. Kazumasa Yoshida for the unveiling of HP’s next generation mission critical enterprise server the Superdome II.Empire produced both the Press Conference – attended by over 50 members of Japan’s top media outlets, as well as the exclusive customer launch event – attended by over 200 hundred CTO’s CIO’s and top IT professionals of Japan.In selecting Empire Japan as it's producer, HP recognized Empire's position as a leading production company of cutting-edge product launches that utilize state-of-the-art design and technology as well as an effective partner on the ground in Asia.

Omotesando Hills 4th Anniversary Party & Music Program

Omotesando Hills 4th Anniversary Party & Music Program


February 2010


The Omotesando Hills 4th Anniversary Party is a highly anticipated party hosted by the most prestigious and luxurious shopping center in Tokyo, Japan. In February 2010, Empire was in charge of casting and coordinating the artists for the Special Music Program to celebrate the 4th Anniversary of the Mall. The exclusive party was invitation-only with VIPs, company guests and shopping enthusiasts. Empire cast Japan’s Jazz Diva Aoki Karen, Classic Pop Singer Hirahara Ayaka, for the main stage. For the DJ session, Empire secured fashion model DJ Yoshida Natsumi and the immensely popular DJ DAISHI DANCE to heat up the night. More than 7,500 guests attended the event to celebrate, shop, listen and dance to live music, and enjoy the free champagne and chocolate fondue fountains inside the mall.

Empire Japan Produces a Series of Holiday Performances at Omotesando Hills Shopping Center

Empire Japan Produces a Series of Holiday Performances at Omotesando Hills Shopping Center


December 2009


When Omotesando Hills, one of the most prestigious and luxurious shopping centers in Tokyo, Japan, wanted to do something special for the 2009 Christmas and 2010 New Years season, they decide to program a series of live events and turned to Empire Entertainment Japan to help them realize their vision. More than a shopping mall, Omotesando Hills is the cultural and fashion center point of Japan. For this reason, events in this complex always receive a lot of media attention across the country especially during the Christmas season. Designed by world famous architect Tadao Ando, Omotesando Hills is one of the most popular sites to visit for Asia's fashion leaders and fashion forward tourists. Empire worked with Omotesando Hills to expand their brand through this Christmas program.

To accomplish this, Empire Entertainment’s Japan office programmed various artists to appeal to various segments of Omotesando Hills’ upscale clientele. Performers that appeared as part of this holiday series ranged from current pop artists such as May J. & MAY’S, Safarii to established veterans who know how to work any kind of crowd such as Ide Mariko and Naomi Grace. Also included were DJs AYUMi and DJ AMIGA to add a spice in to the holiday season, and Miss Universe Japan / Opera Singer Ogawa Satomi to get the crowd fully into the seasonal mood. When the New Year’s sun rose, Tonfu, Fusion Japanese Koto musicians greeted the crowd.The slope inside the mall is identical to the angle of the Omote Sando road that runs alongside the mall creating a six story visual panorama with winding balconies that wrap around a central, focal point on the grand staircase. On this staircase a grand Christmas tree was placed which served as a visual backdrop for the performances. Thus Empire was able to make use of the building's unique architecture to achieve maximum visual effect.Omotesando Hills was extremely happy with the results of this series and Empire was delighted to bring the talents of these various artists this great venue, and to help put smiles on the faces of thousands of Tokyoites shopping for their love ones during Christmas Season.

Empire is a leading booker of all forms of entertainment for retail centers, building launch events, civic plazas and real estate developments with existing performance facilities and stages. Empire Entertainment Japan K. K. is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and operates on behalf of private clients throughout Asia.

Fashion's Night Out 2009 in Tokyo

Fashion's Night Out 2009 in Tokyo


September 2009


When Vogue Magazine sought to present Fashion's biggest night in Japan, they turned to Empire Entertainment's Tokyo-based Asia Division to Provide Stage Direction for this high profile event.As part of a global initiative to promote retail, restore consumer confidence, and celebrate fashion, Japan and international editions of Vogue Magazine coordinated special evening shows in the respective world fashion capitals. These evening extravaganzas, known as Fashion’s Night Out, were held in New York City, Paris, London, Milan, Tokyo, Russia, Brazil, China, Spain, Germany, Greece, India and Taiwan all on September 10th and 11th, 2009!

On September 11, 2009, stores in the popular Omotesando and Aoyama shopping districts of Tokyo stayed open late in to the night to celebrate the collaboration of fashion brands and designers at Fashion’s Night Out.The opening ceremony for Fashion’s Night Out 2009 was held at the Omotesando Hills Grand Stairs, in the heart of the Omotesando shopping district and hosted by Chris Peppler and world-renowned supermodel Ai Tomminaga. Anna Tsuchiya appeared as a guest performer and gave a spectacular performance for the fans and other guests gathered in the mall. Celebrity guests including Maki Horikita, Mika Ninagawa, Hinano Yoshikawa also appeared to present auction items and celebrate the event with late night shopping. For the finale, Anna Tsuchiya reappeared for a special acoustic performance filled with fanfare and ending in thunderous applause.

Empire Entertainment, in addition to its other duties, acted as stage director orchestrating the Grand Stairs with finesse, allowing them to be used as both the concert stage and MC dais. The Grand Stairs were set and decorated with a variety of different furnishings to maximize the performance of the musicians, guest celebrities, and MCs. Even with the challenges of limited time for rehearsals before the shops opened in the morning, and with careful and smooth co mmunication among the staff and the artists, Empire was able to direct the event to a successful conclusion.

Empire is a leading producer of fashion and retail events worldwide.

Empire's Asia Division Casts World Renowned Body Painter Filippo Ioco for Fuji Television

Empire's Asia Division Casts World Renowned Body Painter Filippo Ioco for Fuji Television


August 2009


What do you get when you combine flour, colorful dyes and a body? According to Filippo Ioco, those are just the right ingredients he needs to create his illusionary body painting artworks. Ioco has done it again, but this time, for the very first time, in Japan.Empire Entertainment Japan worked with Fuji TV’s “Miracle Experience! Unbelievable,” a very popular TV show produced and hosted by Takeshi Kitano. This program presents eerie events witnessed around the world and has showcased unbelievably talented artists and performers since 1997. This time, Ioco was featured on the two-hour special program broadcasted on August 6, 2009.

His guest appearance on this show was his very first appearance in Japan. He painted five models including a famous Japanese comedian, Yoshio Kojima. The five models were camouflaged into the landscape of the park right outside the Fuji TV station. The guests and audience at the studio were asked to find the five hidden models in the park: a rock along the waterfront, two trees, a sandman covering the top layer of the surface and a buried man’s head in the dirt. The show was a great success and amazed many viewers with Ioco’s innovative techniques and never-seen talent. His appearance on this show is a starting point for launching Ioco’s exposure to the Japanese audience.

Empire Asia Delivers For MTV Europe's 'Swatch MTV Playground'

Empire Asia Delivers For MTV Europe's 'Swatch MTV Playground'


August 2009


“Swatch MTV Playground”, supported by worldwide watchmaker Swatch and MTV, is a worldwide internet community created to support artists of all genres. This web community provides a variety of creative content and allows people to demonstrate their talents freely and stimulate the imaginations of young creators. Just like the title of the project suggests, it truly provides a playground for any artist who participates.When MTV Europe was planning for the shooting of “Talk@Playground” in Tokyo, they turned to Empire Entertainment Japan for location scouting, staff management, equipment acquisition and general coordination. “Talk@Playground” is a miniseries for television and the Playground website that showcases interviews with world famous artists and designers.

The location was selected based on what would best represent Japan’s creativity and artistry. For Katy Perry, America’s new pop diva, and Manish Arora, India’s leading fashion designer, the historical Sensoji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo was selected. For Will.i.am, the front man of the world’s number 1 hip hop group, Black Eyed Peas, and Fujiwara Hiroshi, the godfather of Harajuku fashion and music, the Mado Lounge and Mori Museum at Roppongi Hills in downtown Tokyo was selected. Empire was able to perfectly carry out all of the client’s requests, from managing the foreign artists, creators and producers, to coordinating the venues, equipment preparation, and of course overseeing Japanese personnel. Empire’s ability to communicate smoothly with both the Japanese and foreign personnel helped lead to a successful conclusion for the shoot.

Empire Entertainment Japan Brings 3D Trick Artist Kurt Wenner to Tokyo to Promote a Nestlé Brand

Empire Entertainment Japan Brings 3D Trick Artist Kurt Wenner to Tokyo to Promote a Nestlé Brand


January 2009


Nestlé Japan turned to Empire Entertainment Japan for the product launch event of their newest creation, "NESCAFÉ CHARGE". Empire Entertainment Japan invited the world-famous 3D ‘Trick Artist', Kurt Wenner to create a 3D chalk painting with the new product as the subject. The exhibition drew in a huge crowd to Marunouchi ‘oazo', the venue located at the very heart of Tokyo, mesmerizing the public with their very first taste of ‘3D Trick Art' in Japan. The event also drew significant amount of media attention, and its overwhelming success led to additional exhibitions across Japan in the following weeks.

Empire is a leading provider of innovative street marketing & event marketing solutions for major brands around the globe.

Empire Entertainment Japan Delivers British Supermodel Karen Elson for Cosmetics Marketing Campaign

Empire Entertainment Japan Delivers British Supermodel Karen Elson for Cosmetics Marketing Campaign


November 2008


Needing a 'face' for their ESPRIQUE PRECIOUS line, KOSÉ Corporation, one of the leading cosmetics producers in Japan turned to Empire Entertainment Japan to secure the 'face' for their new brand.Empire Entertainment Japan, utilizing its vast worldwide network of affiliates, negotiated the contract for and ultimately secured British Supermodel Karen Elson for the entire campaign which included television spots, print ads as well as appearances in promotional events.

Karen Elson is a British super model who has been featured on covers of many international fashion magazines such as Vogue and Elle, and walked the runways for many top fashion designers including Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dolce and Gabanna, and Versace. Her presence in ESPRIQUE PRECIOUS campaign was vital for the image of the line, and added the glamour to the advertising campaign that the client sought to deliver.

Empire is a leading source of talent for television commercials, spokesperson roles, endorsements, celebrity sponsorships and other celebrity-driven marketing initiatives.
